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Department of Health and Social Care publishes £475k tender for digital skills support in social care

The Department of Health and Social Care has published a tender for a partner organisation to help deliver projects supporting digital skills development of the adult social care (ASC) workforce.
The overall aim is to ensure that the workforce “has the confidence and skills to embrace technology and adopt digital ways of working”, with the partner organisation to lead on “discrete projects” to support the workforce in this area.
The partner will need to demonstrate experience in leading projects on ASC workforce digitisation “and existing stakeholder networks with the ASC workforce to enable co-production with the sector where relevant”.
Five key projects are set out in more detail in the tender notice, including supporting the ASC workforce to self-assess their current level of digital skills; developing a tool to support care providers in implementing the What Good Looks Like guidance for social care; supporting organisations to develop their capability around training and qualifications; providing digitising social care communications and engagement support; and supporting implementation of the national digital workforce plan.
The contract is valued at £475,000 and the deadline to apply is 6 June at 9am, with the contract set to run for nine months in March 2025.
Please click here for more information.
In other news around procurement, we highlighted how Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust has published a tender notice for an ophthalmology electronic medical record solution, looking to replace the current solution it has been using for 20 years with a “suitable replacement” that will “provide the full range of ophthalmology functionality”.
NHS Cheshire and Merseyside, meanwhile, is working with Health Innovation North West Coast and  preparing to launch a tender for a new telehealth platform, with the aim of procuring a flexible system capable of connecting with “more existing and future applications and hardware – such as novel remote monitoring equipment or consumer devices that haven’t yet been adopted or even brought to market.”

Amy Archer-Williams

Department of Health and Social Care publishes £475k tender for digital skills support in social care

Kevin McDonnell

Author Kevin McDonnell

Helping ambitious HealthTech, MedTech, Health and Technology leaders shape the future of healthcare.

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